Born in Hong Kong in 2004, Zach Lee enjoys spending his time performing as a singer-songwriter in live music events in the bay area where he resides. In addition to playing guitar, he is self-taught at piano, drums, bass, and ukulele. Zach is a two-time recipient of the Bill Graham Scholarship from Blue Bear School of Music in San Francisco. You will often find Zach performing in bay area music venues, benefit shows at schools, café, bar restaurants, wineries, and party festivals. Zach’s music has also brought him into acting, including a marketing campaign featuring his original song "Changes". He has also been featured in his local Marin Independent Journal’s IJ Lobby Lounge Live Show performing his originals “The Way She Does” and “Forevermore”. In addition, Zach has the deepest honor to perform the National Anthem at the San Francisco Giants home game. It is Zach's goal to share his love of music by creating new stories each day and transforming them into a universal language to bring it to you.
於2004年出生於香港,創作歌手李哲喜歡把他的時間放在美國灣區音樂表演場地度過。除了彈吉他之外,他還自學彈奏鋼琴、鼓、低音吉他和四弦琴。李哲連續兩年榮獲舊金山Blue Bear School of Music頒發的Bill Graham獎學金。您可以經常在灣區的音樂場館、校區籌款活動、咖啡室,酒莊村及派對表演中找到李哲演唱。李哲的音樂也帶領他到演藝方面並多次擔任主角。另外,李哲亦以他的原創歌曲"Changes"被選為廣告系列演出及被邀請到Marin Independent Journal的IJ Lobby Live Show演唱他的原創歌曲 “The Way She Does” 和 “Forevermore”。此外,他感到最榮幸的是在舊金山巨人棒球隊主場中演唱國歌。李哲的目標是於每天創造新的故事並將其轉化為音樂;並由此作為通用語言來與您分享他對音樂的熱愛。
" And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me; shine until tomorrow, let it be. I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me; speaking words of wisdom, let it be. " - Let It Be by The Beatles
" 原諒我這一生不羈放縱愛自由 , 也會怕有一天會跌倒 。 背棄了理想 誰人都可以 , 那會怕有一天只你共我。" - 《海闊天空》by Beyond
Photo Credit: Phil Photography, Brad Mangin